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Parent Groups

Please consider joining our School council/Parent Association.   Each fall we hold an Establishment meeting to create a School Council and Parent’s association.  Please make note of this date and join us.

Parent Groups play a very important part of Rosslyn School culture.  Rosslyn is very fortunate to have the Rosslyn Parents Association (formerly known as the Rosslyn Band Parents Association) as well as our Parent Advisory Council.

The Rosslyn Parents Association (RPA) is a very dedicated group of parents/guardians who assist the Band program and other facets of the school by raising funds for the "little extras" that help make ALL of our students enjoy a more fulfilling experience at Rosslyn.  Many of the other extracurricular activities also benefit through funding requests to the RPA.  

The RPA is always looking for "fresh blood" as parents "graduate" to high school along with their children.  If you are interested in taking part, please contact the school.

PH:  780.453.1576

Email: rosslyn@epsb.ca 

The Parent Advisory Council is a very important part of Rosslyn School's fabric too.  These parents/guardians meet usually once a month with Administration and discuss school issues.  If you are interested in becoming a member of the Council, please contact the school (780.453.1576).